Natali Levi, 24 years old, Single

 Communication major & waitress

Listening to music on the way from school to work & back 
Looking stylish & Up to date

Headphones with a long-lasting battery
Stylish design
Omer Bitas, 35 years old, Married + 1

High-tech worker, Plays music as a hobby

Quieter environment at work
Listening to music
Precision audio editing

Noise cancellation
High quality audio playback ​​​​​​​
I chose to use the colors Black, White & Red – Orange as my main colors.
The bright Red – Orange is considered a very young and exciting color. While the Black and White convey modernism and sophistication. The White is a very dominant color on the page, so that the viewer will perceive a sense of prestige. This is also done to create visual clarity that helps conveying the needed information to the viewer.
After several test trials I decided to use a single font for the entire page (different weights)
The font is of the ‘Sans-Serif’ type. These type of fonts convey elegance and modernism that fits very well with the brand’s young and modern attributes .

For the project’s header I used a couple of the prominent gestalt principals:

 I hid the brands name with the headphones. By the closure principal, although the brand name is not complete, the viewer will try and complete it with previously acquired data. Our mind can add the missing letters to create a complete image

Focal point
 The area that draws most attention from the viewer is the picture of the product. From that point the viewer ‘flows’ to the other parts of the page. What creates a visual direction that drives the viewer to action.
Final Result
(Click to open the prototype in Figma)
(Click to open the prototype in Figma)

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